Australian Leadership Skills Centre

Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Graduate Diploma
of Management (Learning)
This rigorous and challenging course is at the highest level of study available in the vocational education sector in Australia. The Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) is applicable to both Government and the private sector and is highly suited to specialists in human resources development, learning, and training, and to individuals who would like to develop their leadership and capability development skills in this area.
Organisations wishing to develop the capacity of their human resources development and training staff for the future will also find the Graduate Diploma invaluable. Leadership, learning strategy, organisational development, change and innovation are some of the key concepts and areas which this qualification covers.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply substantial specialised knowledge and skills in the field of learning and capability development. In these roles they are required to generate and evaluate complex ideas, and to initiate, design and execute major learning and development functions within an organisation. Typically, they would have full responsibility and accountability for the personal output and work of others.
The qualification is also ideal for leaders and managers in organisations in which learning is used to build capability and engage the workforce - in these roles they harness learning to enhance existing practices and thinking, workforce capability and career development. In addition, the qualification would also be highly suitable to professionals or managers in Registered Training Organisations and other training and development organisations.
The course covers eight (8) units of competency taken from the Training Package. There are three (3) core units and five (5) elective units. A number of units are delivered concurrently, where relevant. To complete the qualification, participants need to complete the core units and choose five (5) elective units from the list below:
CORE UNITS (Three (3) compulsory units)
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation
BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
ELECTIVE UNITS (Choose five (5) electives from below)
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBINS603 Initiate and lead applied research
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBLDR812 Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
BSBSTR801 Lead innovative thinking and practice
All sessions are supported by learning materials, readings and intensive coaching and mentoring by facilitators, as well as online, email and phone support.

Programme Overview
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Duration: 1 year to 2 years (part-time)
Description: A guided programme of learning for managers and leaders in the HR, training and development, and capacity building sectors.
Accreditation: Level 8 on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
Who should attend?
Potential and future leaders and managers in HR, training and development, and capacity building;
Leaders and managers in learning organisations;
Leaders and managers who wish to take a learning approach to leading;
Professionals and managers in RTOs and other training organisations;
Those who wish to develop a career in HR, training and development, and capacity building.
Entry Requirements
Candidates may enter the qualification through a number of entry points demonstrating potential to undertake study at graduate diploma level, with either:
a relevant Advanced Diploma or Diploma, or a relevant Certificate IV or Certificate III, and significant relevant vocational practice
with relevant extensive vocational practice, without formal qualifications
a higher education qualification, together with relevant vocational practice.
Benefits of the Programme
Candidates for the Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) will benefit from a unique programme which has been especially tailored to maximise benefits and learning for participants.
The entire programme is underpinned by a coaching and mentoring methodology, so all training is hands on and fully supported by your facilitators.
Throughout the programme, participants are provided with practical tools and guides that are directly applicable to real life and can easily be employed after the programme is completed.
Learning tools and methodology
Real life examples and work practice are emphasised and all assessment is based on work practice, or employs projects that are directly relevant to the workplace.
The structure of the programme is highly flexible and directly responsive to the needs of participants and their individual workplaces, if applicable.
A holistic approach to assessment is taken wherever possible and several units or elements of units may be assessed together through one project (e.g. a presentation or report that covers several units).
Recognition of Prior Learning may be a suitable pathway for you. Ask us how.