Australian Leadership Skills Centre

Two Day Short Course
Policy Development
Policy Development
Policy development is a cornerstone of large organisations and particularly of Government at all levels. It is a specialist skill which needs to be developed and nurtured. This course covers the basic building blocks of policy development, and policy development at a more advanced level.
Policy development requires not only good writing and communication skills, but also the ability to understand the strategic environment, define and address problems and potential problems, the engagement of stakeholders, and the presentation a strong case for policy. This two day course covers both the basic building blocks of policy development, and policy development at a more advanced level dealing with strategic issues and the strategic environment.
Some of the topics covered in this course include:
The basics of policy development
Identifying issues, scoping policy
Collating and conducting research
Engaging stakeholders
Strategic analysis, choice and decision making
Creating a business case
Persuasive writing and communication
Developing submissions
Policy implementation
Change management
Identifying barriers and understanding the strategic landscape
Course Overview
Policy Development
Duration: Two day Short Course
Description: This course covers the basics of policy writing and more advanced policy development concepts in a two day short course.
Who should attend?
Those working in Government, compliance and policy environments.
Those who work with Government and need an appreciation of policy development.
Participants will gain a strong foundation in successful policy development and policy writing.
Participants will also gain a good understanding of the strategic environment which shapes policy implementation.
The flow on effects for participants will include improving their writing skills, policy knowledge, strategic perspective and overall confidence.